I was delighted to receive this lovely email praising my Incubating, Hatching and Raising Guinea Fowl Keets eBook;
I got it, thank you so much, this is the best information about guineas I have ever been able to obtain, I wish I could of had this last year when I first got started, I learned mostly by error but this is so full of information, I just love it. Thanks alot, I would recommend this for any one starting to raise guineas, its a must to have. debbie
It’s great to get such positive feedback, so thanks Debbie.
Incubating, Hatching And Raising Guinea Fowl Keets eBook will provide you with information about:
- reasons for keeping guinea fowl,
- ways to start rearing guinea fowl,
- choosing and storing guinea fowl eggs,
- incubating guinea fowl eggs and incubator settings,
- candling the eggs,
- hatching guinea fowl eggs,
- the brooder and brooder hygiene,
- feeding gunea fowl keets,
- aliments, illnesses and diseases,
- taming guinea fowl keets and
- development of guinea fowl keets.
If you are thinking of starting to raise guinea fowl or are hatching some guinea fowl eggs then this is the eBook for you.